The World Record Of " Longest Time To Hold Vatayanasana"Is Achieved By Achal Sandip Rahate. She Held Herself In Vatayanasana For "1 Minute 20 Seconds" On "10 Dec 2022" At "Amravati, Maharashtra, India" And Entered Her Name In The International Yoga Book Of Records On 15 December 2022.

What is vatayanasana? According to the teachings of Iyengar yoga, practicing vatayanasana can improve and support blood circulation in the hip joints and correct some minor deformities and misalignments in the thighs and hips. It also strengthens the legs and knees, and improves balance, core awareness, and focus.
In spiritual practice, vatayanasana stimulates the svadisthana (spleen or sacral) chakra, the center of passion and pleasure that governs creativity and sexuality.
For beginners, this pose should be performed under the supervision of an experienced yoga teacher. It A recommended preparatory pose for vatayanasana is Ardha baddha padmottanasana (half-bound lotus pose). #Worldrecord #Yogaworldrecord #Yogaworldrecordbook #Internationalyogabookofrecords #internationalrecord