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Yoga World Record Of Longest Time To Hold Shirshasana - Sahil Shah

The World Record For the Longest Time To Hold Shirshasana "Is Achieved By Sahil Shah. He Held Himself In Shirshasana For "8 Minutes" On "10 Dec 2022" At "Amravati, Maharashtra, India" And Entered His Name In The International Yoga Book Of Records On 15 December 2022.

Yoga World Record Of Longest Time To Hold Shirshasana - Sahil Shah
Yoga World Record Of Longest Time To Hold Shirshasana - Sahil Shah

Sahil Shah is a Yogi who has been training for years to break the world record for holding shirshasana, the headstand pose. Despite never having broken the record himself, he has always believed he could one day do it. On 10 Dec 2022, Sahil makes his attempt in Amravati Maharashtra. As he takes the pose and holds it for 8 minutes, he experiences a surreal moment as time stands still. He manages to stay in position for 8 minutes and 10 seconds and breaks the yoga world record. News of this feat spreads like wildfire across the country and people come from all over to witness Sahil's achievement. He is praised by all and celebrated as a national hero.

The newfound fame inspires Sahil to continue his passion for yoga and help others understand its power and potential benefits both mentally and physically. He starts conducting workshops in different cities about yoga, meditation, and their positive effects on health and well-being. #Yogabookofrecords#Yogaworldrecords#Internationalyogaday#Internationalyogabookofrecords#yogaworldrecordbook What is Sirsasana?

Sirsasana is an advanced inversion that exhibits strength, control, and the beauty of overcoming the fear of falling through physical and mental balance. The name is derived from the Sanskrit Sirsa, meaning “head,” and asana meaning “pose” or “posture.”

In this asana, the head and forearms rest on the mat with the hands clasped. The legs are lifted and the body's weight is shifted until it is fully supported by the head and forearms. The torso is perpendicular to the mat in a straight line from the hips to the head.

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